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I need to understand the values returned in the FIELD_ENTRY 3852/PERIOD_CDE.

I get data for Korea equities using the RFA api, but using the service-name MBPIPE_DEV (this is just the setup that I have been provided, and nothing I can change). However it seems that the data I recieve doesn't match the spec.
According to the spec I should get values with the format Gxxx, And I do see some values like G110 and G130.

But I also get some values I cannot match to the spec. like (AAQ3, 2AB1, 1CD3, 1CD3). Does anyone know where I can find a description of the possible values?

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Sorry about the issue that you are facing.

I searched MBPIPE and found that it may relate to the Bloomberg Datafeed MBPIPE.

Please confirm the data feed that you are using.

I subscribed to a RIC in KOSPI 100 from our data feed and found the value in 3852(PERIOD_CDE) is blank.


If you retrieve data from our data feed, please contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv. The content support team can provide a description of the possible values.

I hope that this information is of help

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Thanks, I have submitted a query to the MyRefinitiv.

And you are correct it is the Bloomberg datafeed as an underlying. What I try to do is resolve the trade qualifier. And this was the only populated field that seems to be close to the information I need. But now I start to think that perhaps I need to find another way of resolving the information

I'm using the MBPIPE (bloomberg) as the feed source. I have found out that the fiel 3852 is unreliable.

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