Hi, I am no anymore able to download data via DSWS API in Python. A few days ago everything worked properly, but suddenly is not working anymore. Please see below my request and the error that I got. I have already checked my credentials here and everything seems okay.
import DatastreamDSWS as DSWS
# set datastream username and password
ds = DSWS.Datastream(username = 'XXXXXXX', password = 'XXXXXX', proxy="PROXYXXX")
# get data from Datastream
dat = ds.get_data(tickers='S&PCOMP', fields=['RI'],start='2018-01-01', end='', freq='D', kind=1)
get_data : Exception Occured
(<class 'TypeError'>, TypeError("argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable"), <traceback object at 0x000002B39B676C88>)
I am wondering if it may be that I reached the limit of download. Is it possible to check it?
Many thanks