I am using Matlab and the Python API in order to retrieve time series of spreads for CDS indices. The corresponding line of code is:
[pylog,datarefinitiv]= evalc('py.eikon.get_timeseries(ric{iric},field,datestr(startdate,''yyyy-mm-dd''),datestr(enddate,''yyyy-mm-dd''))');
ric = cell array with the relecant RICs; iric = counting integer
field = 'VALUE'
startdate and enddate (type datenum) to specify the period of interest
This works absolutely fine for several CDS indices (e.g. ITEEU5Y=MP, ITEXO5Y=MP, and CDXIG5Y=MP) and gives the daily Mid Spread Close values (as verified using the Excel API). However, for one of the indices, CDXHY5Y=MP, this retrieves the Mid Price Close values instead of spread data.
Could you please help how to specify the parameter field in order to obtain the Mid Spread Close values for the latter RIC?