In DSS InstrumentSearch, I'm trying to convert ISIN codes to RICs. Is it possible to include key code ISINs in the DSS API Response?
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I can't find a way to include key code ISINs in the InstrumentSearch DSS API Response. The InstrumentSearch DSS API Response is fixed, as shown below.
{ "Identifier": "IBM.LM", "IdentifierType": "Ric", "Source": "LMA", "Key": "VjF8MHgwMDAzZGQwMDEzNzlkNDYwfDB4MDAwM2RjMDAzZGNiNDE2OHxMTUF8RVFRVXxFUVRZfE9EU0h8RXx8SUJNLkxNfDAzOTM", "Description": "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES ORD", "InstrumentType": "EquityQuote", "Status": "Valid" },
However, you can use other methods to convert ISINs to RICs as mentioned in the ISIN to RIC conversion with the DSS (DataScope Select) REST API article.