Hi, I wanted to download historical ownership data for several US companies, I checked and to download ownership data I can use three options:
- Ultimate Parent Holdings =TR("NEOF.OQ^C06@RIC","TR.UltPrntPctOfShrsOutHld")
- Consolidated Holdings =TR("NEOF.OQ^C06@RIC","TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld")
- Fund Holdings =TR("NEOF.OQ^C06@RIC","TR.FdAdjPctOfShrsOutHeld").
to get the data I use the following code:
test, e = ek.get_data('4295914290', ['TR.InvestorFullName',
{'SDate': '2000-01-24', 'EDate':'2000-04-29', 'Frq' : 'M'})
with which I should get the following values, since I am occupying the consolidated holdings code.

But what I get is the following, as if I were using the Ultimate Parent Holdings code.

Besides the result gives me many empty cells.
How do I fix this problem?
thanks in advance