Does the current REST Interface for RTDS components support https?
In the documentation, for example in REFINITIV REAL-TIME CONNECTOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION MANUAL, the REST Interface only shows http. Does it support any authentication?
Thank you.
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Hi @mlim,
I presume you are inquiring about the REST interface for Snapshot server and not for Configuration. Snapshot interface supports the use of a Security Key and DACS credentials for making an item request. See section 18.3.1 in the document.
RTDS also supports encrypted connections on REST interface as described in section 18.5. Some of the information about setting up encrypted connection can be had from this similar article. The article talks about how to generate and set up certificates etc for a streaming connection.
HTTPS uses Public-Key Cryptography, and it might be possible to attach your RTDS to a domain name and get that domain signed by a certificate authority. If you are within an enterprise, then maybe your organization already has its root certificate in the OS / browser trust store - which can be used to sign the RTDS certificate.
Another option is to use a middleware and use it to establish the encrypted connections. See this article in this regard.