When requesting get_timeseries from Eikon Python API with interval ‘tick’, it would return Date,VALUE,VOLUME data:
2024-06-27 13:30:00.135,135.79,200
2024-06-27 13:30:00.357,135.86,14
I would call it like this:
while (rows == 50000): #and (df.index[0] >= start_date_time_obj ) :
dfloop = ek.get_timeseries([Symbol_T], start_date = ek_Start_T, end_date = str(df.index[0]), interval = Interval_T)
shape = dfloop.shape
rows = shape[0]
df = pd.concat([dfloop,df], axis=0)
What are the field names to call using Workspace’s rd.get_history?
Is the 50,000 limit still applicable?
Is there a code sample somewhere I can refer to?
Thank you