To explain the background of my questions: I am working on a project where I want to identify individual trades above and below a certain value threshold. For example, I want to get the volume of AAPL.O for trades above $10,000.
I use the Refinitiv Python API, specifically, the refinitiv-data library.
Question 1: I couldn't find any more elegant way other than retrieving the time and sales data and then analyzing the individual trades. Is it true that there is no such thing as a 'summary report' which allows getting the volume for trades above/below certain values?
Question 2: I am using the following Python code to obtain the time and sales data. Is there any way to use a Ticker instead of a RIC? Otherwise, I would only get the trades of the respective exchange, not the total trading?
Question 3: When running this code, it takes quite long to obtain the data. Is there any faster approach?
data = rd.get_history(universe = RIC, fields = ['TRDPRC_1','TRDVOL_1'],interval='tas',start=start_date,end=end_date)
Thanks everyone!