DoEvents Application.Run "WorkspaceRefreshWorksheet", True, 1200, ActShtName DoEvents what do True If we set that false, what will happen in what case?
@navamani.p Please see this thread which covers the Eikon equivalent functions - the parameters have not changed -
The first two (optional) parameters for all 4 macros above are waitForRefresh(boolean) & timeout, e.g.
Application.Run "EikonRefreshSelection", True, 3000 or
Application.Run "EikonRefreshSelection", CBool(Sheet1.Range("A1")), CLng(Sheet1.Range("A2"))
I hope this can help.
Client has a follow up @jason.ramchandani01
Just in case, your email function has ‘Eikon’ as a suffix. But I assume we can just replace that by Workspace, right?
And in the case of RefreshSelection, the third parameters is just a cell address but in that case, do we have to add the sheet name or just $A$1 for example is enough?
I tested the following code and it works.
Sub WSRefreshSheet() Application.Run "WorkspaceRefreshSelection", True, 3000, "A1" End Sub
Hi @Jirapongse client says the issue still persists. Is this a tech issue ?
@Roopa S
It is a macro in Workspace Excel. Please contact the Worksapce Excel suport team directly to verify this issue.