Article.EMA.Java.ConsumerRto.V2Auth.ClientCredentials/ at main · LSEG-API-Samples/Article.EMA.Java.ConsumerRto.V2Auth.ClientCredentials · GitHub
Upon running the sample code, we received the following results.
1.What is the meaning of IP ''?
2.Can we change the Port number from 14002 to something else? Of is the Port number fixed.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I searched the "connected to the target vm address" on Google and found that it may relate to the Java debugging. It is not a message from the EMA API.
14002 is the default TCP port listened by the RTO server for socket connections. We can't change it.
Hello @terapon1
I am assuming that you are using the . The "connected to the target vm address: '', transport: 'socket' ". message is a standard way of saying that the JVM started debugging an application. This message is produced from the EMA API.