It seems to complain that the url wasn’t set, see below…
RDError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[39], line 6
2 fields = ['TR.PortfolioConstituentName','TR.PortfolioWeight', 'TR.CoRFractionByCountry',
3 'TR.CoRFraction','TR.CoRFraction.countryname']
5 # Choose a portfolio (Users simply change the value below to reflect their defined portfilio)
----> 6 data = rd.get_data('Portfolio(UBS ORCL Portf)', fields)
File ~\pyvenv\myenv\Lib\site-packages\refinitiv\data\_access_layer\, in get_data(universe, fields, parameters, use_field_names_in_headers)
124 if exceptions and all(exceptions):
125 except_msg ="\n\n".join(exceptions)
--> 126 raise RDError(-1, except_msg)
128 hp_and_cust_inst_data = HPAndCustInstDataContainer(stream_columns, stream_data, stream_df)
129 adc_data = ADCDataContainer(adc_raw, adc_df, fields)
RDError: Error code -1 | 'dict' object has no attribute 'url'