I've been trying to pull some historical data about Ports using the API. This data is available through the Desktop app but I need to be able to do it programmatically.
I've been digging around but couldn't find a solution. There could be 2 ways to approach the problem:
- Ports - I have seen a few old questions on the topic but worth checking again. Is there a way to access the Ports data that one can see on the Desktop Workspace app using the API?
- Vessels - I've been exploring the VESSEL_PHYSICAL_ASSETS view which is accessible through the API. One could recreate some of the Ports data from the Vessels data however it seems this view only has the latest position per vessel, and no historical data (other than a couple of columns with information on the last 15/30 day origin ports). Is there any historical Vessel data available through the API?
Thank you