Hi, I have used rd.news.get_headlines() in Python and have now story IDs and "URNs" which look like these: urn:newsml:reuters.com:20250218:nL2N3P9126:5But I do not know how to use them.
Hello @Subbareddy_123
I would suggest using the newer LSEG Data Library.
You can see an example of how to retrieve a story from a URN in this Access layer example.
Hi Gurpreet, Thank you for the answer. Client would like to go from URN to URL. Is it possible?
As far as I know, only WebNews can provide URLs.
For example:
response = news.headlines.Definition(query = "Source:THILIV", count = 100).get_data() response.data.df
response = news.story.Definition("urn:link:webnews:20250220:nNRAvh8tnz:0").get_data() response.data.raw['webURL']