i write a bachelors thesis about explainable AI with the use case ESG risk scoring. And i need a dataset/ API with ESG ratings and features like C02 consumption and so on, for a academic purpose.
Can sb help?
Best regards
Hi Jona - Thanks for your question - so we have a couple of resources for you.
Firstly there is an ESG notebook in the Codebook App (type CODEBK into search bar) Examples folder here: "__Examples__/11. Sustainable Finance and Investing/ESG_Quickstart.ipynb" Here you can find out how to pull ESG Scores and calculate CO2 Intensity etc.
If you want to implement xAI techniques please see our article here.
I hope this can help.
Hello Jason,
thank you for your quick answer. I have never worked with CODEBK before. And i am very new to the hole topic. For my bachelors thesis I must build a ML model that predicts the esg risk score with scikit learn with esg data, like CO2 emissions, employee welfare, board diversity and so on (about 10 features) . And after that I must explain the feature impact on the result.
My only problem is, that i can't find appropriate data. Is this possible with CODEBK? Registration still takes some time.
Thanks a lot.
Hi @Jona ,
To find appropriate data, you can check how to do so in section "Where to go to figure out the available fields that I can access using the Refinitiv Data Libraries (such as the RD Python Library)?" in article https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/summary-of-common-lseg-refinitiv-apis#WheretogotofigureouttheavailablefieldsthatIcanaccessusingRDP