I am struggling with to run a piece of code of the INTRODUCTION TO EIKON WEB AND SCRIPTING API webinar.
import eikon as ek
import cufflinks
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PlotlyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-df8fac0cd8d5> in <module>()
----> 1msft.iplot(kind='line',color='blue',bestfit=True)
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cufflinks\plotlytools.py in _iplot(self, data, layout, filename, sharing, kind, title, xTitle, yTitle, zTitle, theme, colors, colorscale, fill, width, dash, mode, symbol, size, barmode, sortbars, bargap, bargroupgap, bins, histnorm, histfunc, orientation, boxpoints, annotations, keys, bestfit, bestfit_colors, mean, mean_colors, categories, x, y, z, text, gridcolor, zerolinecolor, margin, labels, values, secondary_y, secondary_y_title, subplots, shape, error_x, error_y, error_type, locations, lon, lat, asFrame, asDates, asFigure, asImage, dimensions, asPlot, asUrl, online, **kwargs)
1043 return py.plot(figure,sharing=sharing,filename=filename,validate=validate,auto_open=False)
1044 else:
-> 1045return iplot(figure,sharing=sharing,filename=filename,validate=validate,online=online)
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\cufflinks\plotlytools.py in iplot(data_or_figure, validate, sharing, filename, online, **kwargs)
1187 filename='Plotly Playground {0}'.format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
1188 return py.iplot(data_or_figure,validate=validate,sharing=sharing,
-> 1189 filename=filename)
1191 def _ta_figure(self,**kwargs):
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\plotly\plotly\plotly.py in iplot(figure_or_data, **plot_options)
156 embed_options['height'] = str(embed_options['height']) + 'px'
--> 158return tools.embed(url, **embed_options)
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\plotly\tools.py in embed(file_owner_or_url, file_id, width, height)
388 else:
389 url = file_owner_or_url
--> 390return PlotlyDisplay(url, width, height)
391 else:
392 if (get_config_defaults()['plotly_domain']
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\plotly\tools.py in __init__(self, url, width, height)
1363 def __init__(self, url, width, height):
1364 self.resource = url
-> 1365self.embed_code = get_embed(url, width=width, height=height)
1366 super(PlotlyDisplay, self).__init__(data=self.embed_code)
C:\Users\koflerma\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\plotly\tools.py in get_embed(file_owner_or_url, file_id, width, height)
293 "'{1}'."
294 "\nRun help on this function for more information."
--> 295 "".format(url, plotly_rest_url))
296 urlsplit = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
297 file_owner = urlsplit.path.split('/')[1].split('~')[1]
PlotlyError: Because you didn't supply a 'file_id' in the call, we're assuming you're trying to snag a figure from a url. You supplied the url, '', we expected it to start with 'https://plot.ly'.
Run help on this function for more information.
I have to admit that a am not overly familiar with Jupyter.
Thanks in advance!