I am trying to search multiple Instruments using the example given by Reuters.they have given example of three instruments if i mention 4 RICS and % RICS it is giving bad request.can someone explain how this works?
Reuters given the below code and iit is working with 4 RICS
put("Identifier", "US10YT=RRPS,JPY=,IBM.N, INVALID.RIC")
if i give the identifier string length bigeer than the above it is giving bad request error.can someone let me know how the alter the string length here
below is the code used to serch the RICS
public void searchByRICRequest() {
try {
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(urlHost + "/Search/InstrumentSearch");
httppost.addHeader("content-type", "application/json;odata.metadata=minimal");
httppost.addHeader("Authorization", "Token " + sessionToken);
JSONObject searchJSONObject = new JSONObject()
.put("SearchRequest", new JSONObject()
.put("IdentifierType", "Ric")
//.put("Identifier", "US10YT=RRPS")
.put("Identifier", "US10YT=RRPS,JPY=,IBM.N, INVALID.RIC")
.put("InstrumentTypeGroups", new JSONArray()
.put("PreferredIdentifierType", "Ric"));