What is the time in GMT by when Time and sale data will be available for for all RICs?
@satish.shioshankar.gaidhane, you mention Time and sale data, which is TRTH data. For TRTH data you can find the exchange release times in the DataCoverage Guide. Is this what you are searching for ?
Hi, Thanks for the guide.
Yes. But I doubts here.. I checked guide.
1) for VBD : what is times zone in guide? and FROM and TO , are these timing in between data will be available. does that means we can start downloading after TO time? What is ETA? Could you please explain about FROM, TO and ETA times?
2) Also, for Energy we have few products which we download in V1 at 00:01 GMT midnight.. But in V2, we schedule at same time and we don't get data for same RICs. and we configured at 6:45 AM GMT and we get data.. so not sure at what time data is available?
VBD: I don't know about FROM and TO. ETA is the Estimated Time of Arrival. I'd use that as a starting point.
Additional caveat:
Times are approximate. Note that the time required to generate the venue data depends on a number of factors, including the volume of data on an exchange. On days with high data volume, release times can be delayed.