While downloading VBD files in chunk, due to network issue or any other issue, if it could not completes the download, is there any way to resume only the chunk download?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
I understand that you are using curl to download the file with the method in this question. I think there is no easy way to resume the chunk download with curl, so I suggest you re-download the failed chunk. The only way I know is to manually specify range to continue download the data, and then combine the files.
Below is the example and instructions.
The file has 1906482 bytes.
{ "PackageDeliveryId": "0x05d3803c258b2f86", "UserPackageId": "0x04f21a8d1ed59cb1", "SubscriptionId": "0x0400dc1d24a00cb4", "Name": "ICA-2017-08-08-NORMALIZEDMP-Data-1-of-1.csv.gz", "ReleaseDateTime": "2017-08-09T01:00:00.000Z", "FileSizeBytes": 1906482, "Frequency": "Daily", "ContentMd5": "b5e893743fa0e6790e9d91b22cc2b2d2" },
In this example, the downloading is separated into 2 chunks.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Token_" -H "Range: bytes=0-1000000" -X GET https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/StandardExtractions/UserPackageDeliveries('0x05d3803c258b2f86')/$value -o part1curl -k -H "Authorization: Token_" -H "Range: bytes=1000001-" -X GET https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/StandardExtractions/UserPackageDeliveries('0x05d3803c258b2f86')/$value -o part2
During download part2, the download was stopped. The part2 file has only 552960bytes.
ls -al part2-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 552960 Aug 24 02:04 part2
You can specify the range to start at 1000001+552960 = 1552961 to continue download the failed part, and then save the data to "part2.1" file.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Token_" -H "Range: bytes=1552961-" -X GET https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/StandardExtractions/UserPackageDeliveries('0x05d3803c258b2f86')/$value -o part2.1
Finally, you need to merge all files.
cat part1 part2 part2.1 > ICA-2017-08-08-NORMALIZEDMP-Data-1-of-1.csv.gz
Hope this helps.