Is there any documentation about how to construct query string in method get_news_headlines(query='Topic:TOPALL and Language:LEN', count=10, date_from=None, date_to=None, raw_ouput=False, debug=False)
Hi @Vivian.Q.Lee
Your query string is taken from the News Monitor App. Go to the News App on Eikon, select the filter tab, go to Advanced filter and click on 'Add topics'. It will give you the full list of possible news codes that you can use in your queries.
Alternatively, I suggest you go to the TRANING app on Eikon and search for News, it will provide you with a range of training resources.
@Zhenya Kovalyov How can I access the query string after I have filled in the required filters, so that I can use the string in my python?
Double-click on it in the news monitor, it will convert to raw text
Please see the screenshot. It simply says TOPIC:GLOFIN, but I have way more filters. I don't think this is the correct query string, or I'm missing something.
Right, thank you, looks like it works!