Some of my Excel API queries involved fetching a list of tickers that are covered only by a certain broker, so I could get the EPS forecasts provided by that specific broker. Hence I constructed a screen query to get the Primary Tickers of that broker, and then ran a different query from that ticker list to get the data values.
My screening query looked something like this:
=TR("SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))), avail(TR.EPSEstValue(Period=FY1,Brokers=US_2),TR.EPSEstValue(Period=FY1,Brokers=US_57030))>=-100)","TR.PrimaryRICCode", "SDate=0 EDate=0 Frq=d RH=IN")
The problem is that this query does not work in the Web API. Can you assist me to get it working?