Hello! Last week you helped me build out the open interest for a range of options for a particular root. But i actually need to go back a step further. (and achieve the same output). so the first try was great, and was as follows:
r, e = ek.get_data(instruments=['0#MCUZ8+'], fields=['X_RIC_NAME'])
instruments = r['Instrument'].tolist()
r, e = ek.get_data(instruments=instruments, fields=['TR.OPENINTEREST(SDate=0,EDate=-7,Frq=D).date;TR.OPENINTEREST(SDate=0,EDate=-7,Frq=D)','DSPLY_NAME','EXPIR_DATE','CONTR_MNTH','STRIKE_PRC','TR.IMPLIEDVOLATILITY'])
All good. But the problem is that the option root i really need to examine is 0#MCU+
So as you can see on the screen shot below - the option root calls ALL of the open options - not just the month "Z" as i called in the code above. However, when I plug in the root - i just get blanks.
Is there a way of running teh script for the root and getting the same output - open interest, expir_date, strike_PRC ect ect ??