@Christiaan M
I'm trying to get
market depth data with TRTH c# API, for french gov bonds, on the MTS France
(MTF) market.
I'm making my request
with an Isin.
If I do not specify the
source, TRTH returns 60 different rics.
If I specify the
source, I'm getting 4 different rics, which is much better but not sufficient:
I only want the ric that corresponds to the MTF market.
For example, I'm making
the following request:
"FR0000187635", "MTF");
for the following date : 20180131
I get data on the
following rics:
however, the only valid
isin that corresponds to "MTF" is the following:
All other isins
correspond to other sources.
I tried something else:
I wanted to retrieve first the correct RIC, then run the market depth request
with a RIC instead of an Isin, as recommended in your help manual. For this I
tried running the method “TermsAndConditionsWithoutNotes()” from your C#
examples downloaded from your website. However, this method do not return anything for the
Isin "FR0000187635".
Could you please tell
me how to solve this issue?