I just set the app id calling the function set_app_id(). and I got the message No handlers could be found for logger "pyeikon". What does it mean?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
@yuanjieAre you running Eikon on the same machine where you're executing your Python scripts?You may want to check out the following thread, which starts with the symptoms identical to the ones you mentioned.https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/25016/missingschema-invalid-url-none-no-schema-supplied.html
I think you'd better paste your source code and log.
import eikon as ekTR_ID = ''a = ek.set_app_id(TR_ID)print a
Then I got the result as below
I guess it can't print the handler. But I can print the handler, simply printing a 'None', with eikon version of 4.0.43166.
Can you download data? If downloading is fine, I guess we don't have to print the handler.
import eikon as ekTR_ID = ''ek.set_app_id(TR_ID)df = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"], start_date="2016-01-01", end_date="2016-01-10")<br>
Downloading is also problematic.
Did you find a solution to this? If yes, could you please share it? I have the same problem. I tried first Ubuntu 16.04 and then Windows 8, but I have the same exact error as yours on both systems, no matter what kind of data I ask eikon. Thanks!
@mtinatinI'm guessing you're not running Eikon on the same machine where you're running your Python scripts. This API has runtime dependency on Eikon API Proxy and requires Eikon credentials. See the first paragraph of the Quick Start Guide.https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/eikon-data-apis/quick-startIf you're not subscribing to Eikon and would like to start a subscription or explore the options, please contact Thomson Reuters sales team by either calling Thomson Reuters office in your country or by following the link below:https://financial.thomsonreuters.com/en/contact-sales.html
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.