I used "TR.CommonName" to get the company name, it get English name , but if I want to get the company name from Exchange on HK,SH,SZ that on Chinese name.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
In Eikon, the company name in the local language can be retrieved in DSPLY_NMLL field, and it can be displayed with a specific font.
You can request this field:
>>> df,err =ek.get_data('0880.HK', 'DSPLY_NMLL')>>> df Instrument DSPLY_NMLL0 0880.HK ????/d>>> name=df.iloc[0][1]
But the result has to decoded by yourself because character codes arn't in the ASCII range (my machine can't display kanji character):
>>> name=df.iloc[0][1]>>> name'????/d'>>> for c in name:... print(hex(ord(c)))...0x6fb30x535a0x63a70x80a10x2f0x64
Thx , I can get the Chinese name now
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.