I want to use python to automate an excel+eikon workflow. I tried to rebuild all of my excel API calls with eikon's python package, but not all required data was supported.
My excel file is .xlsm, and it needs to connect to eikon then update before I manipulate data in python. I'm using win32com as follows:
import win32com.client as win32
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(os.getcwd() + '\\MyFile.xlsm')
ws = wb.Worksheets('Sheet_With_Eikon_API_Calls')
This code opens excel, then opens my worksheet with excel eikon api calls. However, this doesn't launch the Thomson Reuters Eikon COM Add-in, so my data doesn't get updated. For my process to work, I need to launch the Eikon Add-in then update the data. Is this possible with win32com? The steps I want are:
python code:
1. launch excel
2. go to excel worksheet that has eikon api calls
3. launch excel thomson reuters eikon comm add-in (or verify that it's on)
4. refresh excel eikon api calls
5. save fresh data as .csv, then manipulate data with pandas and auto generate reports