@Alex Putkov.1 IT department saved the day, now it works. Apparently with MWG it is necessary to grant some permission to Eikon to go through the firewall.
I've never seen this error before. Are you able to reproduce it consistently? Would you mind sharing the replication procedure?
I just run a simple command like the following:
df = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"], start_date="2016-01-01", end_date="2016-01-10")
I think the problem is that i have some problems with the port where eikon streams the data.
If the issue were related to the port number I would expect every request to fail. Is it the case? Are you able to retrieve any data from Eikon? Do you consistently get this error every time you request the data or does the error happen sporadically and randomly?Would you mind including the full error trace?
well, that is the case. I am not able to get any data using the eikon package (only from the desktop app).
The full message is: EikonError: Error code Exception | Something went wrong while UDF processing the request. The format of value 'Protected by MWG' is invalid.
I see. As the next step in troubleshooting I suggest running Fiddler or another http analyzer while executing get_timeseries command. I expect the http analyzer to log a POST to https://amers1.apps.cp.thomsonreuters.com/Apps/UDF/MSFUnder normal conditions this POST should have http status 200 and receive a JSON response containing timeseries payload.What is happening in your case? What's the status of this POST and what is the response? If you could copy the session from Fiddler for this POST, that would be most helpful.
I follow that link, then i put my credentials but i get the same answer:
{"ErrorCode":"Exception","Environment":"prod","DataCenter":"NTCP","ErrorMessage":"Something went wrong while UDF processing the request. The format of value 'Protected by MWG' is invalid.","Inner":""}
I think this indicates a problem with your Eikon account and not with anything that's running on your machine. I have raised service case 06796320 on your behalf with Thomson Reuters Helpdesk. You will be contacted by TR Support, who will take the ownership of the case.
@Alex Putkov.1
this is Peng from Technical Support.
Based on your latest 2 comment, you mentioned checking via Fiddler and also suspect Eikon Account issue.
Could you kindly shed some light on possible issue of client account? what permission is missed or wrongly set up?
@Alex Putkov.1I tried again using another conection (from my house, not work) and it works just fine.
hello Mateo @mateo.graciano
glad to know it works fine now and could I know what further action is needed from your side?
kindly advise. thanks.
It could be related to McAfee Web Gateway protection (MWG).
Could you confirm that you're using this tool ?
@pierre.faurel Yes, i am using at work (apparently). But dont know what can i do to fix that issue.
@peng.gao well, to be honest i need to find out how to solve that at work. I won´t use a lot outside.
@mateo.gracianoI think we need to engage your IT department looking after the McAfee Web Gateway. It seems, and this needs to be confirmed, that MWG appends something to the HTTP request Eikon sends to the Web service providing the data. The Web service cannot interpret the request because it's been amended by MWG and returns the error you see. If indeed this is what's happening, then your IT department needs to look into why MWG modifies the outbound HTTP traffic and if it can be corrected.
Could I also ask you to see if you can retrieve any data into Eikon Excel? Try entering the following formula into a spreadsheet: =TR("TRI.N","TR.CompanyName"). What does this formula return for you?