I tried to use R package ‘eikonapir’ to get all stocks listed in NYSE with a market cap bigger than 500 million. The code is as follows:
get_data('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.ExchangeMarketIdCode,"XNYS"),TR.CompanyMarketCap>=500000000)','TR.TURNOVER,TR.CompanyMarketCap',list('Scale'=0,'SDate'='2010-01-04','FRQ'='D','Curn'='USD'))
It seems that the conditions in SCREEN are not based on the information on '2010-01-04'. The result has many stocks that was not listed in NYSE on '2010-01-04'. All I want is that the conditions in SCREEN are based on the information up to '2010-01-04'.
Thank you so much!