What are other values can i use in entityType; how can i screen a commercial company instead of an individual, and get the beneficiaries or directors names.
Please guide me on the API calls available in postman collection for the above query.
Hi @osama.sammour,
In order to screen for the organisation names, please use - "entityType": "ORGANISATION".The API call used to screen Organisations would be - 'SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening: Organisation' (Synchronous request) and 'SEQ-case-create-organisation: Save a case: Organisation' (Asynchronous request). The organisation can be identified from - "referenceId" under the result array.
{"resultId": "0a3687d0-66ec-164b-99c7-0e7d000f251c", "referenceId": "e_tr_wco_172xx36", "matchStrength": "EXACT", "matchedTerm": "XXXXX", "submittedTerm": "XXXXX", "matchedNameType": "AKA", "secondaryFieldResults": [ { "field": { "typeId": null, "value": "USA", "dateTimeValue": null }, "typeId": null, "submittedValue": "YYY", "submittedDateTimeValue": null, "matchedValue": "YYY", "matchedDateTimeValue": null, "fieldResult": "MATCHED" } ]}
The above response code is just for example on how to identify the organisation from the result.
In order to fetch the details of the specific organisation against the screened case, please use the API call - 'SEQ-case-investigate-world-check-profile: Get a World-Check profile' which will provide you the full details of about the organisation.
When you fetch the details of the organisation, the 'details' attribute will contain legal information about the organisation - like registration number and the Issuer country, if available.
"details": [ { "detailType": "BIOGRAPHY", "text": " To be determined. ", "title": "BIOGRAPHY" }, { "detailType": "IDENTIFICATION", "text": " Company Registration Number: XXXXXXXXX. ", "title": "IDENTIFICATION" }, { "detailType": "REPORTS", "text": " 2014 - paid NIS45,368 fine as substitute to criminal prosecution for alleged suspicion of evasion of business transaction (NIS226,837) (2007-2011). Aug 2016 - no further information available.", "title": "REPORTS" } ],
To get the names of the benificieries assiciated to the organisation, you will have to look into the "associates" attribute, which will provide you the details of the beneficieries associated to the specific organisation. Example below -
"associates": [ { "reversed": null, "targetEntityId": "e_tr_wci_31XXXXXX", "targetExternalImportId": "ei_trwc_31XXXXXX", "type": "ASSOCIATE" } ],
Hope this helps.
I tried SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening: Organisation
as is from Postman and got the followingm kindly advise:
group-id is set in environmentFAILcustom-field-1 is set in environment | AssertionError: custom-field-1 must be defined and not blank in the environment: expected '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--' to not equal '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--'FAILcustom-field-2 is set in environment | AssertionError: custom-field-2 must be defined and not blank in the environment: expected '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--' to not equal '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--'FAILcustom-field-3 is set in environment | AssertionError: custom-field-3 must be defined and not blank in the environment: expected '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--' to not equal '--REQUIRED-VALUE-MISSING--'FAILStatus code is 200 | AssertionError: expected response to have status code 200 but got 500FAILHas a case id | AssertionError: expected [] to have property 'caseId'FAILHas at least one result | AssertionError: expected undefined to be an array
3 custom field missing, not sure what values should be there
If you are not using customField for constructing a case and are using the same for screening an API request, you would receive the above error message.
In order to check if you are using any customFields for screening requests, you can use the API call - 'SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group' which will provide you the information on all the parameters which you are using for constructing a case for a specific group. If the "customFields": [] is in the case template, then you would have to use the same while using the API call - 'SEQ-screen-sync-organisation: Perform Synchronous Screening: Organisation'. If you still pass the customFields value in the body of the request, you would receive the same error.
Can you please give me an example of a request? showing clearly what those "customFields" should be ?
Hi @osama.sammour
Please find the example request payload example below -
{ "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL", "groupId": "0a3687cf-62d4-1350-98b5-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "name": "John Doe", "customFields": [], "secondaryFields": []}
Please note the above example does not include any secondayFields and customFields.
Please also help in in how to find the beneficiaries of an organisation.
Please refer to the below link -
We have replied to your same query in the above thread.