Unfortunately, the OpenDACS API only has a single field where I can provide a host name; not two. For UAT I had a GSS name and my understanding was that when one of the instances behind it fails, I will automatically be redirected to the other one.
I don’t see a way with the API to provide two host names. I tried setting the host name to a comma-delimited list (I also tried the semicolon as the delimiter) gbl11417.systems.uk.hsbc:8211,gbl11418.systems.uk.hsbc:8211 expecting the API to try the servers in sequence. However, since the first host on that list seems to be down at the moment, it doesn’t even try to connect to the second one.
When I switch the order of hosts, it connects to the first one, but never fails over to the second one even as I forcibly close the connection to the first one.
Can you please look into getting either a single host name for the pair of servers or finding out of there is a way to provide a list of hosts to the API.