How can I get the primary fund of the fund? For instance, LP68033717 is the Primary Fund for LP68052696. Using the latter RIC how can I retrieve the former? Also Is there a way to retrieve the Fund Assets Under Management using the python API?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
@rajanraju The primary fund reference and the T.N.A (fund size) are currently not available in Eikon API at the moment.
@rajanraju this is a content question, so I suggest that you should contact the Refinitiv Helpdesk and ask them to help to get this data in to Excel. Since Python uses the same field names as the Excel functions, it is going to be easy to replicate. This will also help you to familiarize with the Lipper data model.
Checked with Eikon team and Lipper specialist. The response was "Currently, we do not have these available in the add-in. I would suggest using the Fund View app to get the Primary share class RIC and the fund TNA".
Hopefully this data will be available in the future - will enable a fuller quant based analysis of funds.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.