i downloaded DSS_12_3_Data_Content_Guide_1.xls and i can see field names i need. these are quite a lot. Where can i find item codes vs field names?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
@shinji.kakizaki you will have to be more specific than that. What assets are you interested in? For both public and private companies, as well as deals, you can use the screener app to build queries and execute them with the get_data function. For other instruments, if you are currently using Eikon Data API, the only other option is to use chains (for example, EFX= for european currencies or 0#USBMK= for US benchmarks), as Eikon Data API does not have a search component just yet.
For field names I suggest using either the Data Item Browser app or the Formula Builder in Excel.
@shinji.kakizakiAre you using Eikon or DataScope Select products? You say you downloaded data content guide for DataScope Select product, but you posted your question on the forum dedicated to Eikon Data APIs, which is a bit confusing and makes it difficult to understand your question.
hi both guys thank you. first of all i appreciate your responses.
Zhenya, you are right i had to be more specific but your comment already gave me the idea. I will try it from excel and see.
Alex, excuse me for confusion. when i come up wiht more specific questions, i will keep your suggetion in mind.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.