How can we get full trade history for TRDEBD1 through API?
Also, I would also be interested in pulling indata which may not have an RIC, namely intraday power outages. (screenshotbelow)
is that through point connect?
thank you!
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@caroline.hynniewta1, @ludomir.garreauThe timeseries available through Eikon Data APIs are not as detailed as in the screenshot @ludomir.garreau provided, but you can get all the trade prices for the day using
ek.get_timeseries('TRFRBD1', fields=['VALUE'], interval='tick', start_date='2019-02-20', end_date='2019-02-21')
@caroline.hynniewta1, yes, you can pull trade data for TRDEBD
df = ek.get_timeseries('TRDEBD1')
As for your seconds question, I am not sure whether this data is within pointConnect, as this is not a part of Eikon offering, I suggest you contact the support desk, or leave a comment if you need help finding a correct contact for this sort of question.
thank you so much Zhenya. It probably is point connect. thank you !
Follow on question pls - Zhenya’s timeseries contains the low,high, open close prices every day for the past days.
Im looking for something which willreturn, for a specific day only, all trades of the day ahead product. Could youask him if that is available, and if so would it include all the brokers andwhat is the latency of the feed?
@Zhenya Kovalyov Did you manage to look into the above? Im looking for a bit of code which will return something like the attached timeseries for French baseload power for delivery tomorrow refinitiv.png
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.