Our API request was working yesterday however today it is failing and not returning any instruments. This appears to be the only request which is affected.
Here is the error we get back from Eikon
[{'code': 800, 'col': 1, 'message': 'SCREEN(IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,"IT","ES","BE","FR","DE","NL","CH","NO","SE","GB","CA","US","AU","NZ"),TR.CompanyMarketCap(Sdate=0D)/*Market Cap*/>=1000000000,TR.NumberOfAnalysts(Period=FY1)>=2) processing failed.', 'row': 0}]
It shows the screening request as well. I can't find any help with error code 800 or with "processing failed"
What makes this very strange is we have another process that used the Eikon APIs for funds. Getting the data is working fine
ek.get_data(slice_isin_codes, request_fields, request_params)
This request which is a list of ISINs rather than the screener call has no issues.
The screener request (below) is returning processing failed, either code has changes in the last 48 hours and both were running correctly before.
ek.get_data(screener_exp, request_fields)
Any ideas or help?