I can get historical CPI levels in Excel via RtHistory using calls such as =RHistory("aAUCCPIE/CA","ECONOMIC.Timestamp;ECONOMIC.Value","START:22-Feb-2009 END:22-Feb-2019 INTERVAL:1MO",,"TSREPEAT:NO")
How do I do the equivalent call in the Eikon Data API? I've tried requesting via get_timeseries (e.g. df = eikon.get_timeseries('aAUCCPIE/CA', interval='monthly', fields='*')), and that fails with Error code -1. I've also tried using get_data (e.g. df = eikon.get_data('aAUCCPIE/CA',
["ECONOMIC.Timestamp", "ECONOMIC.Value"],
{'SDate':'2-22-2009', 'EDate':'2-22-2019'}), but that fails as well.
Is there any other way to get historical CPI (or other economic data) of various countries via the Eikon Data API, or does this require Excel?