Using this code I expect to subscribe to a 1-minute interval for the ask quote on RIC DE200443845= for the 30th May:
request = timeSeries.SetupDataRequest("DE200443845=")
.From(new DateTime(2019, 5, 30))
.To(new DateTime(2019, 5, 31))
However no records are returned in the DataReceivedCallback(DataChunk chunk) method.
What bothers me here is that:
1. When I set the date to:
.From(new DateTime(2019, 5, 29))
.To(new DateTime(2019, 5, 30))
I get all the ask quotes for the 29th May as expected so that I can assume the code to be fine.
2. When I use the XL EIKON Add-In with this function:
=RHistory("DE200443845=";"ASK.Close";"START:30-May-2019 END:30-May-2019 INTERVAL:1M";;"TSREPEAT:NO CH:Fd";$Z$1)
I do get all the 68 ask quotes for the instrument for the 30th May. So the ask quote data seems to exist.
That makes me wonder why I do not get the ask quotes for the 30th May for DE200443845= using the EIKON .NET API. Thanks in advance for your help.