I'm trying to programmatically access and get lists of new issuances daily using the Eikon data API with python, but I am not sure if this is possible yet or what type of instrument it would be. Thank you.
Take a look at the tutorial titled "News API - New issues in the news".
Thanks for pointing me here. Trying to use the same string as in the tutorial in get_news_headlines
Product:IFREM AND Topic:ISU AND Topic:EUB AND (\"PRICED\" OR \"DEAL\")
gives me the following error:
Error code 500 | Backend error. Failed to deserialize backend response. Expected valid JSON. Error: invalid character 'i' looking for beginning of value.
But just "Product:IFREM" returns articles for me.
Has the query format changed since or is there just an issue? Using Eikon Data API proxy on Mac.
Removing quotes gives results:
To see how you can deal with quotes in the news query take a look at the answer on this thread.