error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Failed to connect to localhost port 9000: Connection refused @Zhenya Kovalyov
To retrieve the data, Eikon Data APIs need to connect to the Eikon process running on the same local machine through localhost:9000 connection. It works on the local machine because you have run Eikon on the same machine that runs RStudio, as shown below.
On the other hand, when using RStudio Cloud, you are connecting to a different machine (or container) in Cloud and that machine doesn't have the Eikon installed. Therefore, it doesn't have the running Eikon process, as shown below.
This is why you can't use Eikon Data APIs on the RStudio Cloud. To make it work, you need to have Eikon Data API Proxy running on that remote machine in Cloud which is not possible because Eikon Data API Proxy only supports Windows and MacOS.
In conclousion, I think that Eikon Data APIs doesn't support this kind of usage.
If you need to use RStudio Cloud, you may consider using other solutions such as Elektron Data Platform, TRKD, DSS, and TRTH which support REST API.
For more information about these products, please contact your Refinitiv Account team or Sales team.
I am assuming that Rstudio cloud is running on another machine ?
If so, it is not possible to use Eikon Data APIs to connect from different machine but only on the desktop itself.
thanks but what do you mean by anothe machine? To use Eikon Data APIs you need to run Eikon desktop (on Windows) or Eikon API Proxy (on Mac) on the same computer where the code using Eikon Data APIs runs. You cannot run scripts using Eikon Data APIs on one physical computing device and retrieve data from Eikon that is running on another physical computing device.
@sarah.songI assume that you are using R library created by Ahmed on Github. I have a chance to try it on RStudio Cloud and found the same issue. I guess that it's because the cloud version running on the server with some docker or virtualize environment so that the internal R process cannot connecting to Eikon desktop or Eikon API proxy which running on your local machine.