I want to extract the historical bid and ask yield of a bond. I found "TR.BIDYIELD" and "TR.ASKYIELD" to be relevant. But does anyone know what "five rippled bid yield fields" means (the explanation for TR.BIDYIELD ?
@zrxbeijingThese forums are dedicated to software developers utilizing Refintiv APIs. The moderators on these forums have expertise to answer any technical questions, but don't have sufficient expertise in every type of content Refinitiv provieds. The best resource for content search and explanation questions such as this one is Refinitiv Helpdesk, which you can reach be calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application.From my end I can say that the definition of these fields provided in the metadata is not accurate. I suggest you ignore it. Even better if you report it to Refinitiv Helpdesk. I would happily open a ticket with the Helpdesk on your behalf, however I'm afraid you registered on this portal with a personal rather than corporate email account, which makes you anonymous to the moderators on this forum, and I cannot open a ticket with the Helpdesk for anonymous users.
Hello @Alex Putkov.1!
I'm also trying to retrieve historical data of BID_YIELD.
For the present moment I have retrieved Bid yield from the following Excel formula:
=TR("EU1YT=RR", "TR.BIDYIELD", "Frq=D SDate=2019-02-01 EDate=2009-08-09 CH=Fd RH=IN").(this is daily summarization)
How to get the same data from .NET API?
@vimeos See the answer here.