Does any python or postman code available to change DSS user preferences?
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Hello @Zuka1
User preferences change example can be found in C#Example Application. Apart from C# source code, the application alsoshows HTTP requests and responses in HTTP tab.
The application demonstrates how to change PartialEmbargoedReportsEnableduser preference in Update User Preferences under User Examples section.
The first step is to get all user preferences. My PartialEmbargoedReportsEnabled user preference is true like example below:
The next step is to update the preferences using PUT method. The body isall user preferences got from the first step with the changed preference. Inthis example, it sets PartialEmbargoedReportsEnabled to be false. Then, youshould receive the successful response, 204 HTTP response code.
Hope this help.
I could get user preference.getpreference.jpg but got error to put(update) the preference. setpreference.jpg.. What am I missing??
Hi @Zuka1,
Can you try the json parameter in requests.put() method instead of data parameter? For more information, please see this guide.
requests.put(Url, json=body, headers=requestHeaders)
Normally, the reason of status 400 (bad request) will be provided in the response body. You can also add the following code to get more information from response body.
res = requests.put(....) print(res.text)
If the issue still persist, please share the body of status 400.
works! thank you..
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.