Is there any difference between CF_CURR and TR.CompanyReportCurrency when the input is a RIC or a QuoteID?
Hi @aquilesjlp300
These 2 fields are from different database, please refer to this picture:
I believe that in this case, they carry the same information.
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Just to add to @chavalit-jintamalit answer, CF_CURR is a real time field and displays the currency in which the particular RIC is quoted. The same company can be traded on different exchanges with different RIC codes and in different currencies, where TR.CompanyReportCurrency will be the main reporting currency for this company. See example below for Apple.
Thanks @chavalit.jintamalit and @marcin.bunkowski for your helpful replies.
Basically TR.CompanyReportCurrency states the currency for the primary quote RIC of the company (I checked for TR.IsPrimaryQuote for all these companies the only one that returned "TRUE" was AAPL.OQ).