Is there a way to get the time series of the Price indices djusted for split ANDcash dividend?
Hi @Tulkkas
1. Get RIC list from the index
2. Split them into multiple lists (not more than 300)
3. get_timeseries with corax = "adjusted" parameter (note that what is included in the calculation for adjusted value, you need to contact content helpdesk)
The document is here.
Hi, thx. So what is the limit in term of number of stocks for get data? Is there some documentation on that? Here you say 300 stocks max but does that depends on the period for which you want the data or is it independant?
I have not come across the limitation on the number of stocks in get_data method.
However, you will not receive more than this:
Please refer to this document for more detail.
I am trynig the corax field using get_data but the following does not work:
index_id = ['BABA.K]
data, err = ek.get_data(index_id,['TR.PriceClose(SDate="24-Sep-2018", EDate="29-Oct-2019").date,TR.PriceClose(SDate="24-Sep-2018", EDate="29-Oct-2019",corax="adjusted")'])
But it returns an error. How do incorporate the corax field in the fet_data fct?