I am not able to get date for the field TR.FRNFormula while it is returned through excel. I try different parameter set with RH:D but it has no impact on the result return.
My C# code is the following:
IEikon eikon = EikonDataAPI.Eikon.CreateDataAPI();
Frame<int, string> frnformula = eikon.GetData("XS1150673892", "TR.FRNFormula", new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "RH", "D" }, { "CH", "Fd" }, { "SDate", "2000-01-01" }, { "EDate", "2050-01-01" } });
I tried to play a bit with different set of parameters but it does not change the outpu which is
Instrument FRN Formula
0 ->XS1150673892 4.2
1 ->XS1150673892 EURSWE5Y + 3.797
2 ->XS1150673892 EURSWE5Y + 4.047
3 ->XS1150673892 EURSWE5Y + 4.797
While in Excel I have this with the equivalent formula

Am I doing something wrong ?