Just wanted to confirm my understanding. I am looking to calculate dividend + buyback yields for stock over a few years.
Attached is the get_data call
ek.get_data(['OCBC.SI','STEL.SI','DBSM.SI'], ['TR.DividendYield.period','TR.RepurchaseRetirementOfCommon','TR.CompanyMarketCap','TR.DividendYield'],{'Frq': 'FY', 'SDate': -4,'EDate': 0, 'Curn' : 'SGD', 'CH':'Fd'})[0]
Will this return all the fields with values as of a common date? In this case, it will be the end of the financial year. Is it possible to get the trailing 12 month values as of a particular day : say end of March every year?