I'm receiving this line DataState <Suspect> StreamState <Open> Code <Preempted> Text <F7: Item Preempted> continuously for my RFA service but one I restarted it, it'll be gone.
Hello @rapTREP
This message is generated from TREP server.
F7: Item PreemptedThis error is related to infrastructure configuration. In this case, it is related to the Source Distributor (ADH), the item request could not recovery by infrastructure.
Please see similar questions with answers in this post and this post.
Is there anyway to avoid this message being sent? Real time prices fails to update when I receive this kind of message and only a restart of service fixes it. And I receive it randomly. There would be days that it's everything is good but there will be days that I encounter it.
I strongly suggest you contact TREP server support team via MyRefinitiv web site to verify your TREP server cache and setup.
Please note that they might need information about the server you are connecting to.