The two problems below only occur in when using the API with R.
Everything works well when using Eikon Workstation of the Eikon Excel add-inn.
#get_timeseries() cuts off timeseries - irregularly
#Example tickers: IBM (17 Mar 1980), MSFT (13 Mar 1986), .IBLEM0002 (31 Oct 2010)
#Full historic data is available on Eikon and on the Excel-Eikon for all tickers
eikonapir::set_app_id('Put your API Key here')
#Create tickers
tickers = c("MSFT.O","IBM",".IBLEM0002")
tickers = c("MSFT.O",".IBLEM0002")
tickers = c("IBM",".IBLEM0002")
tickers = c(".IBLEM0002")
#Create tickers input list
ticker.list = vector("list", length(tickers))
ticker.list[1:length(tickers)] = tickers
startDate = "2003-01-01T00:00:00"
endDate = paste("2020-03-27","T00:00:00",sep="")
#Get prices
p.out = get_timeseries(
rics = ticker.list,
fields = list("TIMESTAMP","CLOSE"),
start_date = startDate,
end_date = endDate,
interval = "daily")
names(p.out) = c("Date","Close","Tickers")
#Convert from stacked to wide format
p.out = spread(data = p.out, key = Tickers ,value = Close)
names(p.out) = c("Date",tickers)
#RESULTS - different timeseries start dates depending on ticker combination
#If only .IBLEM0002 is included then timeseries gives the full series
#If only MSFT.O or IBM are included then timeseries is cut off 2009-04-29
#If tickers = c("MSFT.O","IBM",".IBLEM0002"), ".IBLEM0002" starts 2016-03-11 and MSFT, IBM later
#If tickers = c("IBM",".IBLEM0002"), ".IBLEM0002"starts 2016-03-11 and MSFT later
#If tickers = c("MSFT.O",".IBLEM0002"), ".IBLEM0002"starts 2014-03-05 and IBM later
#get_data get full timeseries for et IBM, MSFT.O BUT nothing for .IBLEM0002
#Full historic data is available on Eikon and on the Excel-Eikon also for .IBLEM0002 (start in 2010)
startDate = "2003-01-01"
endDate = "2020-03-27"
p.out = get_data(
instruments = ticker.list,
fields = list("TR.PriceClose.Date","TR.PriceClose"),
parameters = list("Frq"="M","SDate"=startDate,"EDate"=endDate))
names(p.out) = c("Tickers","Date","Close")
p.out = spread(data = p.out, key = Tickers ,value = Close)
I need to download the full historic timeseries for a range of different ticker types. Please let me know if there is an error in my formulas or if there is a different more consistent approach.
Thank you very much in advance