I am having issue with data retrieval from Eikon for the given date range. i am using following function to retrieve Eikon data by using Eikon Data API: py.eikon.get_data(RIC, Field, Date and other additional arguments)
Refer the code attached here:
1. Called the function with date range as ‘2000-04-06 - 2001-04-06’
Getting last few values (‘2001-03-27’ to ‘2001-04-06’) displayed as empty
2. Called the function with date range as ‘2000-04-06 - 2002-04-05’
Getting last few values (‘2002-03-12’ to ‘2002-04-05’) displayed as empty. But I could see values for dates ‘2001-03-27’ to ‘2001-04-06’ (Which were missing in the step 1’s output)
How to get rid of this and get the field values for the given date range without empty string?
Thank You,