If I have a message with a fieldlist payload how should I encode a map or vector field that is larger than the message buffer?
Can I assume that the following sequence will work?
First message contains a fieldList ending with the first fragment of the map field
Second message contains a fieldList with the first field being the mapField, if a mapentry is fragmented then the encoding continues the mapentry with an update action, and encoding continues until the buffer is full or the message is completed.
Also if I am sending update messages, although they cannot be fragmented will a sequence of updates give me the desired effect?
How can I 'clear' a Map or Vector Field in an update?
What I really want to achieve here is a field level clear cache.
could I send the field twice in the same message, firstly as an empty field, which will clear the cached field data, followed by an encoded map/vector field adding all the map/vector entries?