I have a few questions:
1) Does Eikon have historical earnings guidance data before 2003 available. I am asking because for many companies, the earliest guidance data you get is from 2003. If it does, since when is the data available and what is the best way to access it? No I have done TR searches for 'Company Guidance' -data points under I/B/E/S-Estimates.
2) Why does this Python-query display NaN values on all other fields than Guidance Low Value, Guidance High Value and Guidance Text for Walmart:
fields = ['TR.GuidanceDate',
data, err = ek.get_data('WMT',
Part of the output (last 4 rows):

However, when I execute the query with the Excel Formula Builder tool, the same rows look like this:

How can I fix the API queary so that it outputs all information - not just the last 4 columns?
3) From what I've understood. it is not possible to skip NaN rows with the API, but is it possible to skip NaN rows in Excel? I would like to include only rows with information to the output and exclude the ones with NaN in every field.
In addition, I am wondering if and how it is possible to filter only the rows that are not 'NULL' with respect to a specific column?
4) What is the correct query to output all company guidance to Earning per Share (EPS) from 1990-01-01 to say 2019-12-31? I would like to include earnings guidance for fiscal quarters and fiscal years. The query that I have now been using is the one presented in question 2 but I am not sure if its the right one. Particularly, I am unsure what I should choose as the 'Frequency' and/or 'Financial Period' in the parameters-section in the Formula builder.
Currently, I have used Fiscal Quarter (FQ) as the Frequency and FY1 as the Financial Period.
Please do not get confused about the fact that I am referring to code (Data API) and Excel interchangeably. The reason is that I firstly create the queries in Excel and when they seem to work, I transfer them to code in Spyder.
5) Is there a way to create a list for all U.S companies and use the list in a TR query? I tried the screener but I got an error stating that the universe is too big (over 5000 rows).
I would highly appreciate some advice!