Hello,What is the formula to get the hourly time series with API in Python ?
Thanks a lot.
You just have to specify the interval as below:
req = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"],interval="hour")
Possible values: 'tick', 'minute', 'hour', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly' (Default 'daily')
Thanks for your answer.It works very well, now can you please tell me how to decide the time zone ? it seems that all is using GMT timezone...
Hi @emmanuel.chaslin Please see this answer on how to specify the timezone in your timeseries call.
Essentially you can specify the timezone in the start and end periods. The returned data is always in UTC.
Thanks Gurpeet,
However I dont see how to adapt my script to get the output (df) in my local time zone:
first_date = datetime(year,1,1)
last_date = datetime.today() + timedelta(days =1)
df =pd.DataFrame(ek.get_timeseries(ric, start_date=first_date,end_date = last_date,interval="hour"))
Thanks in advance.
last_date is incorrect because datetime.today() + timedelta(days =1) is in the future
I suppose you want to get timeseries from 1st of January, 2019. If I'm right, you don't have to set end_date (because default end_date is today())
This should help you:
import eikon as ekfrom datetime import datetimefrom dateutil.tz import tzlocalyear=2019print(year)first_date = datetime(year,1,1, tzinfo=tzlocal())df =ek.get_timeseries("AAPL.O", start_date=first_date, interval="hour")print(df) HIGH LOW OPEN CLOSE COUNT VOLUMEDate2019-09-09 09:00:00 53.4500 53.2725 53.425000 53.4025 40 99482019-09-09 10:00:00 53.5175 53.4050 53.417500 53.4200 33 33282019-09-09 11:00:00 53.5750 53.4375 53.500000 53.5325 39 127002019-09-09 12:00:00 53.6400 53.5000 53.502500 53.5850 336 1712682019-09-09 13:00:00 53.6900 53.5000 53.549925 53.6500 547 314024... ... ... ... ... ... ...2020-09-04 20:00:00 127.9900 116.6476 121.480000 120.9000 392570 423886452020-09-04 21:00:00 453.2631 117.8411 120.905000 120.1000 17844 168221042020-09-04 22:00:00 129.1490 119.6200 120.100000 120.1500 8557 19344392020-09-04 23:00:00 120.2500 119.7700 120.150000 119.8200 2101 1652112020-09-05 00:00:00 120.0600 119.3500 119.830000 120.0000 2630 209387[4026 rows x 6 columns]
(ek.get_timeseries() already returns a DataFrame)
According to the interval, size of timeseries is limited. In this example, hourly timeseries starts from 2019-09-09.
And you can see that current range of date is too large because timeseries stops on 2020-09-05.
You'll have to reduce the range of date or update the interval to get a result that correspond to [start_date, end_date]
Hi Pierre,
How do i add time to above code. Example: 07:00 local time.