...op or Eikon API Proxy is running.
I'm trying to get timeseries data in my local-django project, however when I'm trying to get the data I got this error message:
eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code -1 | Port number was not identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
After creating a new app_key, I have write a lite code in Jupyter in order to understand if my connection works well, and this is what I get:
2020-09-03 09:32:22,231 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Reset a Desktop session with new app_key
2020-09-03 09:32:22,232 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Unlock login_event for streaming session 0 due to stop streaming call
2020-09-03 09:32:22,245 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Checking port 9060 response : 500 - {"code":500,"message":"Cannot find module \".\"","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}
2020-09-03 09:32:22,246 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Port 9060 was retrieved from .portInUse file
2020-09-03 09:32:22,246 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Try to handshake on url http://localhost:9060/api/handshake...
2020-09-03 09:32:22,421 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Response : 200 - {"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBcGlWZXJzaW9uIjoiMSIsIkFwcEtleSI6Ijc1ZGM2YzkzZjRlNTQ4MTU5OGU0MmI5NDBlZmY2YTJlZGZiODhkNzQiLCJBcHBTY29wZSI6InJhcGkiLCJMaWJyYXJ5TmFtZSI6IkVpa29uIFB5dGhvbiBMaWJyYXJ5IiwiTGlicmFyeVZlcnNpb24iOiIxLjEuNSIsImlhdCI6MTU5OTExODM0MiwiZXhwIjoxNjAwMzI3OTQyfQ.l7lJmXeGNotyvrr0B3j1yJ-CwNYCHLeC2RO1ATbN0FY","expires_in":1209600,"token_type":"bearer"}
2020-09-03 09:32:22,422 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Application ID: <my_app_key>
2020-09-03 09:32:22,422 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Init a Desktop session with new app_key
2020-09-03 09:32:22,423 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] Port 9060 on local proxy was detected
2020-09-03 09:32:22,424 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] entity: TimeSeries 2020-09-03 09:32:22,425 P[5920] [MainThread 28020] payload: {'rics': ['AAPL.O'], 'fields': ['CLOSE', 'TIMESTAMP'], 'interval': 'daily', 'startdate': '2020-07-30T00:00:00', 'enddate': '2020-08-31T00:00:00'}
but I get some data.
However if use the same code in the Django project I get this error
eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code -1 | Port number was not identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.
I'm running the django application server on PORT 8080, if I remember well Eikon use the 8000
python manage.py runserver 8080
Thank you for your help.